Whether you choose to take care of your own advertising and marketing or hire someone to do it depends on several factors including your budget, time, and experience. If you are a new business owner or manager, it is probably a good idea to obtain assistance from someone who is experienced in the marketing field and knows exactly where to direct the advertising for your company. Of course, if you have a larger company, you may have a marketing department that does nothing else but take care of marketing and advertising needs.
If you choose to hire people to take care of the marketing for your business, you need to be sure to hire people that are not only experienced in marketing but in marketing the types of products and services that your company sells. If you choose to hire someone who has never done marketing for the products your company sells, it should at least be someone who is familiar with your product line. In other words, don't hire someone whose previous experience was in men's clothing, and you sell auto parts, and the applicant doesn't know a transmission from a carburetor.
If you are busy setting up your business or even simply busy running it, hiring someone to take care of the marketing end is advantageous. After all, if you don't have time to devote to marketing your business, then you can't ensure that you are going to be able to reach the target audience in order for your efforts to do the most good. Marketing in itself can be a full-time job, and you must be able to take the time to conduct searches in order to know where to target your efforts. Unless you are only working with customers, you need to change your tactics so that you aren't always directing your marketing campaign toward the same group of people.
If you do indeed choose to do the marketing yourself, make sure that you gain enough knowledge to do it effectively and know exactly the target audience for your product or service. You can't expect to accomplish that if you don't have enough time to devote to it, so make sure that you can free enough of your schedule to devote some time to your marketing plan, and then following through with it. It's important to develop an ongoing marketing plan, not just a one time advertising plan. Advertising and marketing are ongoing, and they will not be effective unless you continue to develop new strategy and formulate a plan for different sectors of your target audience. A marketing plan that doesn't do that is ineffective and will soon be void of any new leads. You want to avoid that at all costs.
Friday, August 24, 2007
Hiring People to Help You With Marketing Your Business
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7:07 AM
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