Once the kids to back to school and mom has a little more time on their hands they may begin to consider ways to bring in some extra cash. Spending time on the internet searching for work at home opportunities can often be rewarding, provided you understand that there are many scams being offered, many targeted for the stay at home parents looking to make money.
Working at home is an inviting concept and many opportunities exist that present a legitimate means of finding work. Unfortunately, there are plenty more where the only ones who make money are those offering the opportunity. Beware of headlines such as “Learn how to crack the code to internet riches,†and “I was a victim of 37 scams until I stumbled across this opportunity.
When looking through offers for an internet business opportunity you need to ask yourself some serious questions about the offer. Many will carry a similar theme indicating they have found a way to make bundles of cash online and want to share the secret. You need to ask yourself, why? Here is perfect stranger, willing to share with me the secret they use to make millions of dollars online. Of course this secret is not going to be free, and sometimes it is available for a limited time price of just $19.95 and you will receive their complete information package of how you can make money.
Why aren't they sharing this information with family and close friends so they can have an entire family of wealthy relatives? Why are they offering this opportunity to strangers? Possibly because their family and friends were suckered into their last get-rich-quick scheme.
One of the most prolific scams online is signing up to be a secret shopper. There are many companies that do use secret shoppers to visit stores and restaurants and turn in a review to the company informing them how a particular unit is performing. To claim this company can hook you up with many companies where you can get paid up to $40 an hour doing things you love to do and keep everything you bought, is nothing more than a scam.
Yes, these companies have the names and addresses of the companies that use secret shoppers and that is what you will be buying. Once you send in your payment, which varies from $19.95 to $39.95, you will receive a list of companies that use secret shoppers and instructions on how to fill out their online applications. If the company is looking for more shoppers they might contact you for a future interview. Most of these offers carry no guarantee that you will ever be chosen to be a secret shopper, let alone get paid $40 an hour for going to a restaurant.
Friday, October 19, 2007
Scammers Target Stay At Home Moms
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7:24 AM
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Running Home Business Requires Dedication And Discipline
One of the most common causes of failures of work at home businesses is the fact the person operating the business should never have started in the first place. Not everyone has the dedication and, more importantly, the discipline needed to run their own business out of their home and will quickly find that setting their own hours and being at home all day, everyday is the rosy picture painted by the stories about self-employment.
Running your own business involves someone to handle sales, production, orders, billing and all of the other departments necessary to keep a business operating. When you first start out in a home business, the people that do the work will most likely be you and it will not take long to realize just how many hours are required to get everything done.
Then there's the promise that often comes with home business opportunities about having the time and money to spend on vacations and having more time with the family. While the business is in its infancy, that is just not going to happen. There will be time spent with the family, but usually it is while you remind them that you are working and need to be left alone. The biggest adjustment when you start a home-based business is having family and friends understand that while you are at home, you are still working.
If your new business can be done completely from home, it is better to have a separate office area in which to work. An area that is off limits to other family members during your business hours, during which you can concentrate on the task at hand without interruption. One suggestion made by successful home business operators is to get a watchdog to sit at the door of your office to keep interruptions to a minimum. While this tip is given in jest, it is important to make sure your home office is treated as though you were working for someone else.
With most work at home businesses, you can set your own hours and, if possible, it will make your home life easier if you establish work hours around your family's schedule. If there are hours when no one else is home, that should be time in which the bulk of your work is done.
You have probably heard the stories about people working at home in their pajamas and while this opportunity may be available, it probably isn't a good idea. You will need to establish your work schedule, just as you would if someone else was writing your checks and then work your schedule. Your clients or customers are paying you to deliver a product or service in a timely manner and you will have to present professionalism to yourself as well as potential customers. By being at work when you are scheduled, you can get the promised work done on time and gain new clients based on your reputation.
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7:11 AM
Room For a Home Business
There are many things that you want to think about when you start up a home business, and finding room for your business is a huge part of it. A home business is going to be just that - you are working at home. And unless you have a lot of money and can afford to have a place that is set aside for your home business, you want to think very carefully about how you can have your home business and your home at the same time.
It is not something that is impossible, no matter what you might think. In fact, having a home business in your home might be easier than going to work each day, as long as you do it right.
The first thing that you need is space. It is simply great if you can afford to have a room in your home that is only used for your home business, but if you can't, don't fret about it. There are still going to be lots of ways that you will be able to have a home business. First of all, you have to think about the needs of your business. Do you have a business where you simply do work at your computer - work that can be done with just a computer and some storage space for files? If this is the case, it is very easy to set aside some space in a room to have a computer. Remember though, it is going to benefit you if you are able to have a computer that is only for the business. This is especially important if you have children who are going to be using the family computer. It will always be better if you are able to have a separate place to store all of your files and your work items.
If you need more than just a computer for space, you are going to have to be a little bit creative. There are many things that you can do if this is the situation. First, remember that you are going to have to make decisions based on what you have to work with. If you have lots of product that you have to keep, you are going to have to make storage space so you can have enough room for your product. This can be anywhere, as long as it is safe and secure and you can keep it out of the way of the rest of your life.
The trick to maintaining a home business and your home at the same time is to make sure that there are distinctions. If you need to use a big table, try to set one up in an unobtrusive place - don't simply use your dining room table just because it is there.
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7:07 AM
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Researching Home Business Opportunities Right For You
With today's job market being diluted by outsourcing, many people are suddenly finding themselves out of a job. Sitting around the house all day worrying about what you will do when your savings is gone is not a good thing, and with the number of opportunities available for operating you own home business continually growing, many find themselves as a home business owner is default.
However, finding a business you can operate from home will take some research and should be aligned around your interests, knowledge and experience. Once you being a home business, you will need to work it as a traditional job because income from that business is what will pay your bills and keep you from going hungry. It will also consume a lot of your time and energy so it needs to be something that you like.
Most people hear, as they are growing up, that the best job in the world is the one you would do for free if you didn't have to worry about your bills. The same holds true for starting a home business. It should be something you like to do and are willing to work at in order to pay the bills. Otherwise, it's just another job.
For example, a person who has a lot of experience working with their hands and building things out of wood or metal may find a home business performing furniture repair or refinishing suited to their hobby. They can also create and market woodcraft items, selling them through local retailers or at craft markets, effectively having their own home business selling things they make in their home workshop.
Another example could a person who has worked as accountant for someone else for years who suddenly find his or her job has been eliminated. They can open their own accounting service performing billing and invoicing for other small businesses. Many new businesses cannot afford to hire a full-time accountant and by working with several small companies, you can create several income streams to help make ends meet.
Simply drawing on your experience and knowledge learned while working for someone else can often lead to ideas for starting a home business. In many cases, most of the work can be done at home, telecommuting with clients. In other businesses, you may have to travel to meet with clients or attend shows at which to sell your products. Either scenario will provide an income earned through your home business while paying the bills.
Before deciding to open a home business, you should check with your local zoning department to make sure there are no zoning laws against operating a business out of your home. Typically, if the business has no reason for clients to visit and no signs are posted in the front yard, there are few problems with a home business. If you plan a deluge of customers increasing traffic on your street and blocking the sidewalk when they visit your shop, you may have to rethink your home business efforts.
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7:00 AM
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Qualities that Entrepreneurs Need
One of the biggest myths regarding starting your own business is that you are doomed to failure unless you have a natural aptitude or a natural talent for business. In other words, if you weren't born to be an entrepreneur, then you are going to be sunk before you even start. Needless to say, this is an untrue notion. While there are a number of skills that you absolutely have to be a successful businessman, there are ways for you to develop those skills along the way. Instead of those skills, what you need to be thinking about are the qualities inherent to all good entrepreneurs. There are some of them and there are some things you need to have, but if you are interested in starting a business chances are you have them already.
The first one is perseverance. Starting a business is like the exponential version of working on a project for school. When you are learning a new concept for that project, you are going to have to go slow, but steady. If you just start, do it for a bit and then leave it alone, you are going to fail the project. But if you start it and then keep at it little by little, you are going to end up with a successful final product. This is what you need to do in business; you need to keep at it until you get to the point of being successful.
In addition to perseverance, you need to have a thick skin. In the business world, you are going to meet a number of cut-throat individuals that would like nothing better than to see you fail so that they can succeed. While it is good to have business relationships with other companies, what is not so good is taking anything negative they say as the gospel and taking it completely to heart. If you do that, then it won't take very many negative comments before you hang up your business for good. Consider taking people's advice if it is constructive, but do not listen to anyone that is completely negative.
Finally, in addition to perseverance and a thick skin, you also need to have the ability to deal with failure. There are a number of people that do not have this ability and in fact there are people that give up on something after having one unsuccessful try at it. This is something that you need to avoid in business because you're going to fail at things again and again. The most successful businessmen of today were failures at some point yesterday; what makes them successful businessmen is that they did not give up. You shouldn't give up either; if you have one quality out of these three, make sure it is the ability to deal with failure.
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7:19 AM
Monday, October 15, 2007
Putting Your Business On Hold
Everyone likes to be in control of when they work and when they don't. So, if you own a home business, you might think that you can simply walk away for a week to go on vacation, or when you have a family crisis to attend to. And of course, you can, it is just that with your own business, you have to be sure that you are taking precautions to keep your business going while you are away.
See, when you are working for someone at a business, you can take leaves of absences for reasons, if your boss lets you, and you don't have to worry about the business itself. You might have work that piles up when you are away, and you might have to do some catching up when you get back, but because the business is in someone else's hands, you will find that it will still be there when you get back.
However, when it is your business, flying away for a week for vacation is much harder. If you've got someone on your payroll or a partner, it might be easier, but if you are running a business out of your home and it is just you, there are going to be things that you should think about.
First of all, how can you make sure that the business runs while you aren't there? There are several things you can do. If you have only a few clients, you can let them each know personally that you won't be around for a week. A lot of clients will appreciate this and will actually like it. If you have more clients, you can use a mass email or an automatic email response to let them know that you will be out of the office.
No matter what, the key is to let people know. You never know when you are going to have people who are looking at you as a prospective business, and if they catch you while you are on vacation ,you might lose the chance to gain them as clients. So, be sure that you have an auto response on your email that lets everyone know you are gone and also when you will be back so that they can expect an email. If you have a phone number, set the message to allow people to know this information as well.
Another thing to remember, as well, is that you have to be sure you are being professional at all times. You want to make sure that no matter what, you are talking to clients in what is always a professional manner. This will make sure that you aren't losing any business while you are out of the office.
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7:58 AM
Protecting Your Privacy When Working At Home
Operating a business from home does not mean that your life is an open book for the world to read. You will have to set specific boundaries between your work life and your private life in order to insure that your family is not interrupted by your work. You will need to establish specific working hours for your home business and at the end of the day go home. If you let your business consume every waking moment of the day, you will quickly burn out as well as causing an interruption to your family's life.
If you can afford at the start of your business, have a separate phone line installed that is strictly for business. Use an answering machine for after hours calls and unless a client or customer leaves a message that it is an emergency, call them back the next business day. If possible, do not give out your home telephone number as a contact number. You never know if little Johnny or Susie will answer the phone leaving a bad impression on a potential customer.
There are many services that will cross boundaries between your work life and your private life and understanding where they meet will help you keep your sanity when working from home. When you first start the business, it may be easy for your spouse to ask you to get things done around the house while they are at work. You will need to remind them gently that you will be working and no, you don't have time to finish the dishes, or throw a load of laundry in the washing machine and you definitely don't have time to paint the bathroom.
Unless the business requires you to meet with clients and there is no way around it, do not entertain business associates at your home. In fact, clients probably should not even have your home address. Using email and the telephone for client contact is in the best interest for privacy, as you don't want an irate customer banging on your door while you eat supper with the family. A post office box is not overly expensive and can be used for most shipping and helps protect your family's privacy.
Remember, this is your business and you need to remember that your spouse and children are not employees. You may be working out of a home office, but it is still your family's home and you need to make sure you have definite boundaries established. Just as you do not want them crossing into your office space while you are working, you need to show the same respect to your family by not allowing work to cross into their private space.
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7:56 AM
Planning Your Budget
A budget is everything to a business; it is the epitome of professionalism as well as the lifeblood of good planning. It is absolutely impossible to do anything well in business without a budget to go by and indeed in the cases of some more established business models it is actually illegal not to have regular budgets that show exactly what is going on with the business in a financial sense.
When it comes right down to it, planning your budget is one of the most crucial things you could ever hope to do for your business. A properly planned budget that is then executed well is going to be a great help to any business and of course a poorly planned budget is going to be the downfall of most businesses; usually before they've even had a chance to succeed.
So, what exactly makes a good budget? Well, reducing it down to first principles any budget that has inflows to cover the outflows is a good start. More so than that however, the inflows need to be at least equivalent if not in excess of the outflows and the outflows combined have to create something that is competitive to the business itself.
A good rule of thumb when it comes to making budgets lies along the lines of the cost efficiency principle. The cost efficiency principle basically states that you should not be afraid to spend X dollars if you are going to get Y dollars in return with Y being at least equal to X if not greater. Now, this is an interesting concept but some would argue it is not one that is particularly tenable in the earlier stages of a business because a business needs to spend a lot to get itself off the ground.
This is a good point, but one that is superficial at best. While each item X may not result in a gross income of Y, you can always add items together in order to receive that result. If you have X + Y + Z resulting in A + B + C and both of those equations are equal to D, then there is really nothing to worry about because overall you are adhering to the cost efficiency principle in your budget.
This is exactly what good planning for a budget is. You identify what needs to be done from a financial sense and then you make sure to carry it out in a way that allows you to maintain the cost efficiency principle. Don't ever spend money in a business unless you expect to get money (or something as valuable as money) out of it; otherwise, what is the point of going into business in the first place?
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7:55 AM
Planning Various Business Types
The planning stages of a business tend to be a bit hectic if for no other reason than they are where you really are given the chance to develop the plan for your business that you will refer to thousands of times over the course of the life of your business. One of the numerous things that you need to decide during this time (or at the very least give some thought to) is what type of business you are going to run. This has nothing to do with the actual business niche itself, but rather the actual legal type of business that you are going to be involved in. There are a number of different business types in the legal sense and while those types vary from country to country, there are general consistencies along a few major distinctions.
The first of those distinctions is the business type known as a sole proprietorship. This is the most common business type simply because it is the easiest one to start with. A sole proprietorship consists of the business being wholly owned by one person and therefore being associated with that one person. The business expenses and liabilities are assumed by that one person, but at the same time that one person has total control over everything that the business does. Sole proprietorships are free to start in terms of legal registration and do not require a separate tax return in most cases as the income from a sole proprietorship is usually just reported as self employment income.
Taking the next step up from a sole proprietorship, we come to the concept of a partnership. There are a number of similarities between the two business types and the most obvious ones to point out are that partnerships are cheap and easy to run in the legal sense because all of the partners can usually just report their share as self-employment income rather than requiring another tax return for the business. The partners also share responsibility for the business by default in a legal sense unless there is an agreement that specifically assigns responsibility to one partner.
Up from a partner is a private corporation. This is a business that is a separate entity from the people that run it; all of the liabilities are the businesses and for the most part the people running the business can not be held responsible for those liabilities. However, the maintenance of a corporation requires regular fees to be paid as well as up front registration fees and regular records of the business affairs must be kept along with regular board meetings. Also, a separate tax return for the business is required because it is a separate entity.
Posted by
7:53 AM
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Planning a Business Concept around a Central Topic
Depending on the kind of person you are, plans for things are going to be either completely familiar to you, somewhat familiar to you, or not at all familiar to you. While it is not necessary to have a completely detailed business plan before you start (especially if your business is online, but also if it happens to be offline), there are some things that you should generally be aware of at the very least before you take towards building up your business.
The first of those things has to do with figuring out the topic that your business is going to be on. This is not a topic in terms of something that a book needs to have, but rather a topic in terms of what your business is going to be about. For example, if a person wanted to open a restaurant, then there would be a culinary topic to their business. If someone wanted to blog, then the topic would be whatever they wanted to blog about. There are a number of different topics available out there today and choosing one for your business is perhaps the most important thing you can plan ahead of time.
Now, when most people are choosing the topic of their business, they tend to use one of two methods. They will either choose a business topic that they are very familiar with, love doing and would really have no problem doing for free, or alternatively they will choose a business topic that they think would generate a lot of interest in the demographics that they can reach. If you are on the internet, then the demographic you can reach is endless, whereas if you are off the internet, then you need to be aware of the people that live near wherever your business happens to be.
While these two methods of business topic choosing both have their ups and their downs, neither one is inherently better than the other. There are certain situations (i.e. blogging for a profit) where one might be obviously indicated as being the better one, but for the most part you can get along choosing either of those two things.
That idea brings us to the big question; how do you know which one of the two methods you should choose? Well, it once again depends on the type of person you are. If you are a free spirit, not really interested in too much planning and willing to take a chance just to see where it takes you, then choosing something that appeals to you and that you would do for free might be the way to go. If you are the meticulous type and are good at keeping things organized, then it would seem that going for the more likely profit would be a better idea. It largely depends on you and while neither of the two choices is wrong, it is very important that you are confident in the choice you make.
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6:42 AM
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Work At Home Using The Internet
If you want to work at home, start a home based business on the internet. Basing a business on the internet broadens your client . It also has the advantage of low or no overhead.
Home based businesses on the internet abound. To find one that suits you, work within a field you enjoy. The internet increases your client base, but because of the competition you will have to work hard to make your product or site stand out.
Home based business on the internet can be started in almost any field of interest. If you want to offer services, writing web content and designing websites can provide good opportunities. Artists can offer services ranging from graphic design to pet portraits. You can offer advertising services on the internet. Think of any field you are interested in and search the web. You will probably find somebody offering services in that field. If the competition is too much, you narrow your services to a specific group. For example, instead of offering pet portraits you could offer dog portraits.
Most people think of selling products online when they think of home based business on the internet. You can sell through a website, but first learn about website promotion. If you promote your website well you can also sell other people's products through affiliate programs. If you don't want to build a site or don't know how to promote, consider selling your products an an auction site. Many people have found internet auctions work well for them.
If you are interested in working for yourself, consider a home based business on the internet. It works for others. Research well, know what you are doing, and it should work for you.
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10:18 AM
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Small Business Asset Management
Business assets are the things that keeps the business going so all businessmen should realize that asset management is an important part of managing a dynamic and profitable business. There are two types of business assets that businessmen should look into, the first is the cash asset and the second is the physical asset.
Obviously, you need to manage your cash flow properly to sustain business operations, pay your workers, and buy raw materials. However, cash assets are probably the most difficult kind of asset to manage because it you need to balance the lead time wherein your buyers would pay if they buy on credit and the time it takes for you to buy the raw material once again for production.
On the other hand, managing the cash assets is also important because you need to pay the government a certain amount of cash from your profit. Sometimes, the taxes you have to pay are already due even when you have not received the payment for your products in cash yet. So how can you reconcile this problem with the necessity of paying taxes? Well, this is exactly the reason why you need to manage and anticipate issues such as this one even at the beginning of the year so you can avoid being in debt to the government. However, if this scenario already happened then the next best thing you can do is to ask your buyers to pay you in advance if possible.
Meanwhile, keeping track of your physical assets such as your inventory and equipment is likewise important for you to sustain effective and efficient business operations. You should note that it is sometimes required for you to conduct a physical inventory just to make sure that everything is in place. In addition, you should realize that all assets that have a value can be considered as a physical asset. For example, you might already know that the machinery you use for production is an essential asset for your company. But it is also important to remember that even the chair you are sitting on in the office is considered to be an asset therefore you need to include it in your list of asset and liability also.
Keeping track of your assets will likewise enable you to keep an accurate record of the real status of your business. In the long run, proper asset management will enable your business to grow and expand without any problems because you know your real capacity to meet the needs of the marketplace. Even minor assets that you normally ignore should be recorded. Asset management should definitely be taken seriously as this is part of managing a successful business that is ready for the future.
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6:52 AM
Monday, October 8, 2007
Popular Business Opportunities
Business opportunities are everywhere but there are some businesses that stand out more than others because of customer demands and the market trends. It is actually hard to predict where the business environment will be going a few years from now because every year, more businesses are closing while at the same time a lot of businesses are opening up. However, there are some businesses that never go out of trend because it sells commodity products. So here are some suggestions on the kind of businesses you can put up in the near future.
1. Food businesses - obviously, every individual needs to eat whether they like it or not so getting into a food business is bound to be profitable if you know the taste and preference of the market. There are several ways you can enter this business, the first is setting up a food stall or a restaurant where you will sell the products yourself on a daily basis. The second is to manufacture the food and distribute it to retailers; think of cereals and potato chips which are packaged and ready to be consumed.
2. Agri-tourism - this kind of business has been generating a lot of attention lately because of its focus on nature and lifestyle. Agri-tourism enables people to enjoy themselves through picnics and other activities while being close to nature at the same time.
3. Personal catering - this kind of business has been around for years, yet, only a few people had taken advantage of this opportunity because they think that the market is already crowded. But the truth is there is a high demand for personal caterers who will organize and prepare food on special occasions. You can also offer services such as packaged lunch or dinner for busy individuals, be sure to provide healthy and affordable food though so that customers will continually patronize your products. This business will surely be a hit if it is marketed properly.
4. Financial planning - a lot of individuals want to invest their money in the right investment vehicles but they do not know where to start. You can become one of the financial planners that give these individuals the advice they need to get started on their investments. Likewise, you will also profit from this endeavor because you will charge a certain fee for your advice.
5. Pet care and pet grooming - many people love their pets but they are too busy to look out for them on a daily basis. However, they want to make sure that their pets are in good hands. This is where you will come in, you can establish a business that look after these pets while the owner is away. In fact, you can offer related services such as pet grooming and training to derive better profitability.
These are just some business opportunities you can get into; there are many more opportunities you can explore on your own to start operating your own business now.
Posted by
7:09 AM
Modern Tactics in Business
Today, there are many challenges facing global businesses as they continue to adapt to changes in the business environment and satisfy market demands at the same time. This challenge is compounded by the fact there the different barriers to entry that exists between countries in the past are now becoming non-existent. It is no wonder then that a lot of businesses are now just struggling to survive. But you can also look into these challenges as opportunities instead of threats.
For example, it is now possible to export your products to different countries without dealing with the trade restrictions that were present in the past. In addition, you can even put up a manufacturing plant in another country and nobody will stop you. As you can see, there is a free movement of goods and services in today's business. It is only to be expected then that modern businesses will put a lot of emphasis on developing their brands.
And in line with this, you can see that the brand packaging, the graphics, and the content of one brand are the same throughout the world albeit it is written in different languages. However, their message is the same, so if one brand is promoting wellness in America then you can expect that they will promote the similar concept in Asia. They will not deviate from their core strategy. Even their promotional efforts will have some similarity even though it will be adapted according to the local taste.
Establishing a global brand that can be recognized everywhere is quite hard though because of the sourcing of the raw materials, the pricing, and the distribution of the products. Sometimes, the same product will also costs more in country than it does on the other because of currency fluctuation and the differences in the standard of living. So the challenge is keeping the product consistent both in quality and in price in these different countries.
In line with this, it is important for modern businesses to communicate effectively with their partners in different countries. Every significant development in one country should be reported because this can likewise affect the profitability of the whole company. Some of the tools that can be used for effective communication include the e-mail, video conferencing, and even telephone calls. This will enable the upper management to manage the whole businesses effectively in their main offices.
And with the nature of the global business environment today, it is important to innovate on products and services to keep up with the competition. Businesses can constantly improve their operations by adapting the best practices they discovered in some countries and integrating these practices into the way the company do business throughout the world.
Posted by
7:08 AM
Managing Your Real Assets
You have probably already attended various seminars that teach you about strategies on how to manage your financial assets wisely. But have you ever wondered what your real asset really is? Sometimes, you may become so caught up in making earning more profits and earning more money that you might have lost sight on the things that really matter. These things include your health, your family, your contentment, and your happiness.
Sadly, you will notice that a lot of seemingly successful businessmen do not enjoy the real assets in life. They may drive the best cars that money can afford or live in houses that you might only dream of but what good is all these if they are suffering from poor health. They might be experiencing severe stomach pain that even all money in the world cannot compensate.
So if you are a businessman who is constantly on the move to find better business opportunities and better investment mediums, think twice about compromising your health to achieve these goals. For you to do these though, it is important for you to realize several things. The first is the fact that only you can manage your well-being because you are in control of your actions and your feelings. The second thing you need to realize is that you need to let go of past failures that continue to haunt you because it will only make you suffer needlessly. Then the last essential thing you should remember is that it is possible for you to lose interest in life if you concentrate too much on things that really don't matter.
Through it all, the most important thing is knowing who you really are because this will enable you to examine yourself properly so that you will know the things that can truly make you satisfied and happy. All these facts are pointed out not to tell you that money doesn't matter because it does. But the real question is to what extent are you willing to sacrifice to have more money?
Here are some questions you need to ask yourself. The first is ask yourself whether you would allow stress from work to hinder you from having joy in your life because it is possible to become so caught up with the problems involving work that you might not notice that you are continually making your body suffer from stress and neglect. Then the next thing you need to ask yourself is whether you will still continue to give time to activities that will not provide a significant improvement on your way of life. You usually hear about time management skills and its importance but are you really allocating your time wisely to fruitful pursuits?
It is important to answer these questions to determine if you are really living a life that is worth living.
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7:03 AM
Friday, October 5, 2007
Managing a Family Business
Business and personal matters are hard to combine but in a family business, owners are forced to deal with both personal and professional issues at the same time. This situation leads to pressure on the part of the business owner to perform according to the expectations of his family and sometimes, it hinders him from doing what is necessary to improve business operations. In addition, he is also pressured to make decisions that are acceptable to all members of his family to be able to enjoy a harmonious relationship at home.
However, it is important to realize managing a business in today's environment is not that simple. There are times when difficult decisions need to be made to ensure the survival and the profitability of the business. So whether it is a family owned business or not, the business should be managed as a serious enterprise and not something that is just founded as a hobby because this will surely lead to failure if it is not properly managed.
It is also important to tackle the issue of succession in the business especially if the owner of the business has more than one child. There had been a lot of cases wherein the children of the owner fight over the ownership of the business because the owner did not make it clear who will own the business after he has passed away. Now, everyone wants to avoid this scenario and the truth this, avoiding these kinds of situations can just be a matter of planning. Having a defined succession guide will enable all the children to live harmoniously with one another while helping the business success.
There should also be a designated leader whom everyone should be able to respect and obey in the business. The leader should also be capable and can make sound business decision. This is because if he turns out to be incompetent, other family members can feel that they could have handled the situation better themselves and you want to avoid this scenario as much as possible.
But even if the all members of the family do succeed in having a good business relationship though, it is still recommended that they separate business from personal matters. This will enable them to make decisions without bias for the betterment of the business. In addition, separating the personal from the professional will make business owners more flexible in making decisions at the workplace.
Probably the most important thing in managing a family business properly though, is ensuring that the whole family will have a good relationship that will last even if the business doesn't. Ultimately, family is still more important than the business because the business can be replaced but your family cannot be replaced.
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7:15 AM
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Learning To Follow A Budget
Learning to follow a budget can be very difficult at first. This can be a big concern if you have been use to spending money freely. First step of course is setting up your budget and some guidelines to keep within your budget. Be sure that all expenses are accounted for. Don't forget to include fun money or entertainment funds if able. Once your budget is put together soundly you are ready to set up some guidelines to assist you in keeping on track with your budget.
One of the best ways to keep you on budget is to stop carrying cash. For most of us while shopping when we see signs offering miscellaneous items for ninety-nine cents we can't resist. It's just a dollar here and a dollar there. Those dollars add up fast and before you know it the twenty dollars in your pocket is gone. By not carrying cash you can help stop impulse buying. If you still prefer to carry cash, your best bet is to only take what money is necessary to spend. Give yourself an estimate of what your groceries will cost you. Take only that amount with you. This will help curb the need to purchase excess items, knocking you off the budget track
Always shop with a list, to help prevent unnecessary spending. If you make a weekly or biweekly grocery list, you will only be purchasing those needed food items. Or create a list of cleaning supplies and stick to those isles only. If you allow yourself to wander aimlessly around a store you are allowing yourself to be tempted for other purchases. It can be very hard to stay on budget when desired objects surround you.
Become a thrifty shopper. It can't hurt to look through coupons. Even a few saved cents per purchase can really add up on savings in the end. Searching through clearance sections in stores is another way to find items you need and save money on as well. You may be pleasantly surprised to see how much you can take home, and still have money in your pocket on your way out the door.
Keeping yourself on a budget is about self-control. It's fighting the urge to buy what is not needed. If you have a difficult time curbing your shopping habit, keep a friend or relative with you on shopping outings. Someone you can trust to steer you away from temptation. As long as you lower the temptation for purchases, make a list and stick to necessary isles you will prevent yourself from loosing track of your budget needs.
Once you conquer your shopping demons, you will become proud of yourself for doing so. It's a good feeling to be able to shop and stick to a list of items and not cave to those savings signs. You'll feel a great sense of accomplishment as well. So don't be overwhelmed, grab that pen and paper and keep on the budget path.
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7:21 AM
Leadership: First step to Success
Have you ever heard of a business where there is no leader or in a more technical term, a boss? Perhaps it is quite inconceivable, since it highly significant in every field that one directs them towards their goal. For instance, if you want to employ a change in system within your business, a leader would have to stand out for you to get through the swamp.
Changing an entire business won't come easily especially if the employees do not have faith with the capacity of the senior who is leading them towards their end. But, doing so is never really that impossible as you have thought it was.
The part played by leadership
If you are a part of an organization, you may have noticed how important it was that the subjects have faith on the capacities of the leaders since they are supposed to be the living models that the subjects must look up to. Actually, in every area where people are involved, there's a great need that someone be responsible enough to lead everyone, because if not every organization would be distinguished as futile for they won't be able to achieve any goal that they have set.
Putting it under the setting of employing sudden change within a business, the subjects or the employees would anticipate for an improved, sensible, effective decisions and regular if not absolute communication from the leader to the employees. During these moments the employees expect more from the leaders such as confidence, support and commitment.
When all things has been said, it all boils down to the trust of the employees to the leader which in the future might bring them better working relationships and would possible strengthen their confidence with each other.
Consequences of poor leadership
Suppose it is inevitable that every leader would possess the essential leadership skills, then you ought to familiarize yourself with the ramifications of this possibility. It is but normal that when the leader is not able to exude any act of leadership that the employees begin to assume that there won't be any positive outcomes with their relationship.
There are certain incidents when the organization gets clouded by distrust and the chance that the employees would act in an illegible manner that they start to be apathetic with the goals of the organization. Feeble leadership would only result to the deficiency of hope which might probably go on for too long and in turn would lead to the organizations inevitable decline.
Leadership then is very significant in every organization because with its absence the whole team under the organization won't be able to function accordingly and they will not be able to operate with a harmonious relationship with one another.
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7:19 AM
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Know Your Competitors
One of the most challenging aspects of putting up a business is dealing with competitors who want to get a share of your market. But this is one of the realities in business that you have to deal with so strategizing even at the start of your operations is important to become successful in the long run. In addition, it is not only essential to understand your direct competitors because there are also indirect competitors in the market.
Basically, this means that most of the products that are available in the market have complements and substitutes. For example, if a customer wants to buy powdered milk and he could not find any powdered milk available in the grocery store, he may opt to buy the milk in liquid form instead. Similarly, this is also true for any industries because people will always find substitutes for products they cannot find. In line with this having an effective distribution channel that can reach your target customer at their locations will help you greatly in realizing your profit potential.
It would also be wise to look at the product features of your competitors, the price range, and the product quality they offer. This is because being aware of the strengths and weaknesses of your competitors and contrasting it with your own will allow you to formulate strategies that will let you compete effectively in the market. If you are weak in one area and strong in another, it would be wise to put emphasis on your strong points and not challenge your competitors on features that are your weak points. However, you should also expect that there are times when your competitors will point out your weaknesses to your target market to get a larger share, in this case, you need to be sure that your strong points is enough to compensate for the things that you lack.
In addition to your current competitors, you should also anticipate future competitors because it is possible that many of them will enter the market in a few years. Having a strong strategy and an established customer relationship will enable your business to survive these challenges. It is observed that most new companies put emphasis on their lower price range and this can either be a good thing or a bad thing for your company. For example, it can be a good thing if the product that new entrants offer has a low price but inferior quality as well because it will establish your brand as a superior product. However, if they are offering superior products at a much lesser price, then you may need to engage in a price war. Always remember though, that your strategies should depend on your particular situation and the perception of your market.
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6:57 AM
Monday, October 1, 2007
It Is Possible To Run A Home Business And Work At The Office
Many people ask themselves if it is really possible to run a home business and still continue to work at their office job. The answer is yes. This may surprise some people. How do you have the time? That's too much to do at one time. How can you manage?
All of these comments and questions are involved in juggling home business and an outside job, but the key is that it that you are capable. Here are three main things you want to keep in mind in order to have it all.
Drive! The want or desire to have a home business is what really matters. If you want to keep your current job as well as begin your own home business you truly have to be focused on being able to do so. Without a strong want that will drive you to do what is necessary you will lead yourself to failure. If you believe that you are ready to commit to both jobs, and do whatever is necessary to maintain both than you are taking your first step in the right direction.
Time! You aren't just given a pocket full of time. Everything in this day and age is about rushing and stretching what time we have. This is still very true with juggling outside work and a home business. You have to be willing to make time. What this means is you must be willing to use whatever free time you have from your office job and apply it to your home business. Weekends, evenings as well as holidays can be spent working on your home business. As long as you are applying the time you have to your home business, you can work both. It all goes back to having the drive to do what is necessary to have what you want.
Patience! This is something we all need more of. You will need to build patience when running both your home business and outside work. You will indeed be frustrated at times, waiting for packages or updates on business progress. You will be frustrated with customer or clients from both jobs. By building patience and also some understanding you will help ease some of the stress that comes from working both jobs.
Drive, Time and Patience all go in hand when working home business and outside office work. You have to be efficient with your time and manage it wisely. Keep focused on your goal. Don't lose track. Be patient, because success does not happen overnight and unfortunately not everyone you will encounter in your job is patient or understanding. As long as you make the effort, you can in fact run a home business and work in the office to.
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7:08 AM
Issues to Consider Before Going Global
Obviously, many businessmen dream of becoming reaching the global marketplace because it has the potential to provide them with an increased profitability through reaching a large number of customers. But there are many issues you need to consider before going global because the business norms differ from country to country. And if you do manage to get pass the trade barriers such as the tariffs and the quotas that is set up by the government to protect their domestic industries, you still have to deal with the customers themselves before your products will be bough. In line with this, here are some of the most important factors you need to consider if you want to have a global reach for your business.
1. The laws - countries do have different laws that govern business practices so what may be considered legal to once country may not necessarily mean that this same practice is legal in another. It is therefore important for you to consult with local lawyers and accountants regarding the laws in their particular country.
2. The culture - every country has its own deep-rooted culture that makes it unique from other countries. You need to know the local culture even before you can promote your product effectively in the business environment.
3. The promotions - aside from the fact that you need to be sensitive to the taste and preference of the local market and be careful on the promotions that you do as not to offend them, you also need to be flexible to follow government regulations. For example, there are countries that do not put a limit on the amount of money that can be won by a local resident when a particular company holds a contest. However, in some counties the amount of earning can be restricted so you need to know about these rules and requirements even before you start your promotional strategies.
4. The locality - you should note that there are countries that have different government rules according to region. You need to be cautious in making different promotions and activities in different regions in a new territory because a practice that may be permitted in one area doesn't necessarily mean that it will likewise be acceptable in another area even though it is in the same country.
5. The budget - penetrating another country may cost more than you are expecting because of the different legalities you have to deal with. At the start of your operations, you should also expect to encounter a lot of challenges because you are just starting to make your presence felt in a new territory.
Overall though, going global is certainly a worthwhile endeavor for any business despite the challenges it presents because it offers you a chance to make your business become more popular and more profitable.
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7:05 AM
Friday, September 28, 2007
Issues in Planning
Nobody can deny that planning is important for a business to succeed because it enables companies to have a sense of direction on what they want to accomplish and how to accomplish it. However, there are also issues in formalized planning that had been raised because of the changing global environment that had challenged the importance of planning itself. Some of these issues should be faced because they mirror the real environment today. Here are some of the issues:
1. Planning can create rigidity- this means that when a plan was made, it is usually made with a specific timeframe and the steps that needs to be completed within this timeframe. However, these kinds of plans were made on the assumption that the environment would not change during that period except for the forecasts that were made at the time of planning. With this kind of planning, managers will have a hard time adapting to unique situations with new ideas and methods because the timeframe and the rules had already been set.
2. Planning isn't suited for a dynamic environment- the environment today is constantly changing, and as such, plans are usually discarded because it is no longer relevant to the situation that companies find themselves in.
3. Plans cannot replace creativity and intuition- most successful organizations are founded on creativity and intuition. But as companies grow bigger, they tend to become more formalized. And this development makes it hard for companies to continually innovate and come up with new ideas so they tend to lag behind from the competition.
4. Plans tend to focus a manager's attention on today rather than tomorrow- plans are usually created with a set of tasks that a manager should do on an everyday basis. This hinders him from looking ahead and seeing what may happen in the future. It also limits the manager from grabbing opportunities because he is busy following the guidelines of the plan
5. Formal planning enforces on success which may lead to failure- it is hard to change plans that had been proven to be successful in the past. But these successful plans may be the cause of the downfall of the company if managers aren't responsive enough to changes.
With all these issues comes the question, “Is planning still relevant?” Yes, it is because businesses would have a hard time surviving without a specific plan in place. The entire organization would become disorganized without proper planning. Actually, everyone agrees that having a plan is crucial for an organization's success; the problem only arises when the plans begin to become too rigid to accommodate changes in the business environment. So the key to successful planning is to create plans that are flexible enough to adapt to possible changes tomorrow.
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6:45 AM
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Is Direct Marketing Worth The Hoopla?
You maybe looking at marketing a product or good and trying to decide on what kind of marketing you should proceed with. You have seen direct marketing and maybe wondering if it is worth the all its cracked up to be. Let us take a look at direct marketing to help you decide.
What is direct marketing? Direct marketing simply put is marketing that delivers a promotional message directly to potential customers on an individual basis. There are many benefits to direct marketing a few of which are; providing targeted information to a demographically targeted audience, easily measure the amount of marketing you pay for and who it reaches.
By targeting a specific group of people your marketing dollar is spent wisely. You are not wasting money on marketing to people who have no desire in your products. A well thought out and planned direct mail marketing campaign can bring in many buyers. You can test market without spending a lot of money and you have more control over how much you market spending as little or as much as you need to. Direct marketing allows you to develop a distinct personality for your business. It can be used to help enhance the image of your business, to give your clients and customers much needed information about your company, and to help persuade them to order from you.
There are also disadvantages to direct marketing and they are not always something you think about when considering marketing your product or goods. One of the main down falls to direct market mailings is that people often consider it to be junk mail; junk mail is often thrown away never read meaning that your money was wasted in your efforts to gain business. Your direct mail is competing with dozens of other companies who are using the same kinds of marketing as you are. There can be a relatively high cost per contact in direct marketing if you are unsure or do not have marketing plan.
Every business can increase their profit and make more sales by marketing. The key is to find a way to market as relatively inexpensively as possible. Your success will depend on the method of marketing you use and in the way you present your information about your company. With direct marketing you will want to define your target group. This is the group of people you want to target mail to. This can help you to directly target groups that will be interested in items you want to sell.
Direct marketing can either be good for your company or bad for your company. It will greatly depend on you. Your marketing strategy and what kind of research you put into it before you go about your marketing.
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6:59 AM
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Investing Your Money Wisely
If you are involved in business then chances are you are so caught up with the day to day operations that you sometimes forget that there are alternative ways for you to earn from your money. But in fact, there are cases where you will actually earn more from your investments than from your actual business. This is because you will have to deal with overhead expenses, salary, and capitalization in an actual business. On the other hand, all these factors are not present in investments. In other word, you are making your money work for you when you invest rather than the other way around.
So how exactly can you go about this endeavor? The fact is, investment requires in-depth exposure to the market so you would know where you invest your money in. There are many investment options you can choose from. Even your regular saving account and time deposit in the bank can be regarded as an investment because you are able to earn a specific amount of interest rates from this endeavor.
Aside from these though, there are other investment options that will let you yield higher rates for your money. Some of these opportunities include investing in the stock market, in mutual funds, and even in foreign exchange. But from the description of these options, it is quite obvious that it is necessary for you to watch the movements of the market consistently so you will be able to know when to buy and when to sell.
However, you should note that just in operating your own business, investing in these endeavors presents risks also. Different investment options have varying amounts of risks so you need to study how much risk you are actually willing to take. For example, if you decide to buy a particular stock from a known company at a high price, it is possible that this stock will not cost the same the following day because of management problems or other issues that can suddenly arise. Even investing in mutual funds carries some risks because the interest rates you are expecting may not be as high as you are anticipating.
Overall though, investment is a good way to earn while enjoying the convenience of being in control of your time and your money. Investments also somehow provide you with a sense of security because you know that your money is managed by competent financial managers. In addition, you should note that diversification is important in today's world. Diversification simply means that you need to put money in different investment options so your risks are balanced in different industries. In this regard, investments certainly gives you that flexibility because you are free to choose the investment medium that suits your needs best.
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6:43 AM
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Introduction to the Business of Manufacturing
The manufacturing business is probably the most challenging business a person can get into especially if he manufactures several products at the same time. Unlike the retail business or service business, for example, a manufacturing business has a lot of potential problem areas that should be resolved even at the start of the operation. Some of the issues a manufacturing has to deal with include the sourcing of the raw materials, training of the workers, and even controlling the inventory level. They also need to deal with financial concerns because a lot of investments are tied up on their inventory. In addition, manufacturing businesses usually have to wait a long period of time before their inventory is liquidated.
A manufacturing company also has to find different retailers and wholesalers who will carry their products so that they will have a wide distribution network. As you can see, going into a manufacturing business is not that easy so you might be wondering why you should get involved in this kind of business at all. Well, the answer to this is quite simple, getting into a manufacturing business can be rewarding. This is because once you have established an effective manufacturing process, have the right people, and have the necessary distribution network, profitability is almost guaranteed. You should also note that you will be able to derive these profits consistently for as long as your product remains in demand even for a specific period of time.
Even before you start a manufacturing business though, you first need to believe in your business and the product you will introduce. This is because your business profitability relies mostly on the products you manufacture. You should note that unlike a retail business where location and advertising is important, in a manufacturing business, your customers will not really care where the factory is located. All they care about is the end-product they will buy and whether it meets high quality standards.
Other important factors to consider when you want to enter manufacturing are your technical expertise or the technical expertise of your employees about the manufacturing process. A manufacturing company also needs to have a highly effective quality assurance team that will make sure that all products that are released in the market meet the set standards of acceptability. The price of the product you manufacture is likewise important because this is a critical component in deciding whether the product is saleable or not.
Now that you know the pros and cons of investing in a manufacturing business, it is now your decision whether you want to get involved in this kind of business or not. But remember that like any other kinds of business, a manufacturing business also requires continual innovation to be one step ahead of the competition.
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7:03 AM
Monday, September 24, 2007
Internet Marketing At Its Best
With the continued growth of the computer age, there is a whole new way of marketing a business. Especially for businesses who perform most of their transactions online. When reaching for online customers, internet marketing becomes the main target for your marketing efforts as it will attract the customers in your demographic online users.
There are two distinct styles for online marketing, one is business marketing, the other is website marketing. With web site marketing the goal is to have people searching for particular services or products find your web site while conducting an online search through the major search engines. There are many facets involved in web site marketing and once a business is able to get them all clicking together, there is a good chance they will experience a major influx of new visitors to their web site.
One the other side are businesses that heavily promote their availability aimed at the internet users more so than the search engines. Buying internet advertisements, sending out emails and other promotional marketing materials that are designed to bring visitors to their online web sites, are just a few of the online marketing strategies being used today.
One of the things to remember with online marketing is to consider your home page as a billboard along the side of the road. If there is little traffic along the road, there will be few people who will see your billboard so your efforts should be focused on getting people on the right road. Looking at it from another perspective, there may be over a thousand people selling a certain brand of personal care items and they all have a web site, many provided free when they signed up and they all look alike and have the same enhancements.
If a person searches for the brand by name, there is no telling whose web site is going to pop up in the search results. If you own one of these thousands of sites, specific marketing will need to be done to guide that potential traffic to the site you own. To do this you can use pay-per-click advertising that you pay for based on the number of visitors who click through to your site.
Affiliate marketing is also a popular method of bringing visitors to your site. As a business, you agree to pay a certain percentage or dollar amount of a sale to another site, an affiliate, who drives the traffic to you. Essentially, you are gaining free advertising and only pay for it if your site makes a sale. While some link exchange programs have been successful in the past, having thousands of unrelated links to your site may turn search engines against you and lose your information from their engines and as a result from their results pages.
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7:23 AM
Important Reasons to Train your Personnel
It has been said that people is the key driver to the success of the business because they are the most important asset. This is the reason why the management tries to retain as much key people as possible to ensure the continual success of the business. However, before your personnel can truly become beneficial to the company, they need to be trained. There are many reasons to train your personnel but the foremost reason is that you train them because you want them to contribute a lot to the company.
The first reason why trainings are conducted is to integrate the personnel into the organization. They need to know the purpose of the company and their role in it so that they can effectively perform and deliver the necessary results. The personnel needs to be integrated properly into the function of the company fully trained so that he can perform at his best.
Another reason why you should train your personnel at the start of their work and then continually provide them with training is to beat the competition. You should not rely on the innate skills of your employees or even their previous knowledge of the business because you also need to deal with the competition that constantly looks for ways to steal a share of your market. In line with this, you need to equip your people with the skills and knowledge they need to help your organization remain at the top of its game.
Training can also improve the productivity of your employees; in fact, there are many studies that show productivity increases when people know more efficient ways to conduct their daily activities. The training will also introduce new methods to your employees so they will know about different methods wherein each task can be conducted.
Still another reason to provide training to your employees is the change in the business environment. This is because the rapid technological advancements today require that businesses adapt to these changes by learning new skills and by learning how to operate new programs. The training will keep your employees updated so they will be able to respond to the needs of the market. In addition, training will enhance the innate skills of your employees and this will enable them to reach their potential. And because of this, you can expect to see excellence in the workplace.
You should never look at training as an unnecessary expense because it will pay off dividends to your business once your people become more educated and skilled. As you can see, training of your employees is definitely one of the things you need to look into if you want to ensure the continual success of your business.
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7:22 AM
How To Survive In An Online Business
If your company does not offer its services/products online, then you're definitely living in the Stone Age. Businesses today realize that in order to stay competitive, they have to communicate with today's audience who do business primarily online.
Running an online business means that you have a global audience. And having a global audience means that your store is up and running twenty four hours every day and seven days of the week. While your customers from New York might be sleeping, those from Tokyo would surely be awake. Therefore an online business is one that never sleeps. It is one that is always on call by customers. As such, an online business must be manned at all times, keeping a close watch on potential business.
In managing an online business, communication is important. Using email and instant messaging as a form of communication between you and your staff will surely be beneficial. There are also different technologies such as the VoIP that enables you to talk with your business partners and your staff from all over the world quite easily. But since you and your associates live in different time zones it is important to set up a specific time of the day when you can communicate with them about the updates and different issues that your business face today and what they need to do about it. You should make sure that they follow your instruction and schedule strictly.
Meetings are also a must for online businesses. Meetings are where you'll know the issues hounding your employees and problems that the business is facing. To be able to save on time and effort, online businesses today can meet in an online conference room. This will eradicate the need for physical space and manual preparations.
Another way to survive online is to build up your brand! Yes, brand is important even though you're on the Internet. Building your brand means providing good products, fast services, and pleasant experiences to your customers. Yes, you'll definitely want your customers to have pleasant experiences. Remember, word spreads fast on the Internet. If you have one customer who had a not-so-good time in dealing with your online business and spreads the rumor, then chances are your name will be ruined.
Don't forget that your website is the face of your online business. Surviving in the online world means that your online business must be able to keep up with the latest technology. And in designing your storefront always keep navigation in mind. A potential customer would not want to visit twenty different web pages just to buy a certain product.
Surviving your online business is tough. Everyday, there are thousands of companies going online and millions of individuals setting up an online business. Ultimately, the key is to success in this endeavor is to love what you do. After all, not everyone gets to touch lives in a global scale.
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7:16 AM
How To Interview Employees
One of the most difficult things for an employer is to interview for new employees and with many legal requirements there are a lot of things to remember not to do as well as trying to remember everything you have to do. Several questions may be taboo when it comes to the Americans with Disabilities Act and Equal Employment Opportunities laws, keeping the questions focused on the requirements of the job will keep you safe from liability if the person does not get the job.
Prior to interviewing for any position, devise a list of questions pertaining to the job duties and the personnel's experience and education level that will help determine their suitability to perform the job. Consistency in job interviews will not only keep you within the law, it will allow you to accurately compare candidates based on the same information. Use the same list of questions for all applicants and immediately after the interview write down their answers and keep them on file.
It may also be a good idea to make comments on your interview sheet about why the person may or may not be a good fit for the position. If the applicant has provided a resume along with an application if there are any discrepancies that are explained during the interview, have the applicant make the necessary notations on the paperwork they provided.
You will expect the applicant to dress and act professionally during the interview and they should be afforded the same respect. Do not keep them waiting. If the interview is scheduled for 10, then be ready to meet with them at 10. Many good prospects can be lost by making them hang around for an hour or so before meeting the interviewer.
Remember, they are going to be nervous and making them feel comfortable at the beginning of the meeting is important. Try not to place obstacles between you and the applicant such as a table or half of a wall. Try to sit on the same side of the table as it will show the applicant you are taking an interest in them, just as they are taking an interest in working for you.
Be honest about the job and the duties that will be expected. Do not make the position seem more than it really is, but it's OK to explain how promotions work and what is expected of a person to be considered for advancement. If you have any time constraints that may hold a person back from promotion be up front with the information. Most applicants will consider a position as long as they have complete information. Finding out you were not completely honest about what was expected of them after they are hired may make them a short-term worker.
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7:05 AM
Friday, September 21, 2007
Learning to Use Internet Business Directories
As an online business owner, one of your preoccupations is increasing your site traffic. If you have been in business for even a short period of time, you know that the key to getting more hits is by optimizing for the search engines. Most people use the search engines to find the sites they are looking for, so it is in your best interests to achieve as high a page ranking as you can.
Search engine optimization is vital to your business, but you should not overlook another method for increasing your site traffic: getting listed in an internet business directory. Internet business directories work in the same way that yellow pages work for traditional pages. To wit, they are listings of the various businesses operating on the web. To make the listings more tenable to use, the sites are grouped according to different categories. Sites can be listed by topics or regions, for example. Different business directories use different criteria to categorize its sites.
The reason you want to get listed in an internet business directory is simple: people use directories to find sites. While getting listed in an internet business directory is not as important as getting optimized for the search engines, it can nevertheless contribute to an increase in your site traffic. People use directories to find a wide variety of sites pertaining to topics they are interested in. Obviously, not being listed is a disadvantage.
To have your site listed in an internet business directory, you must first identify the directories that you feel will be most conducive to your business success. Next, you will have to submit your site for possible inclusion. If your site is legitimate, you should have no problem getting accepted. After being reviewed, your site will be indexed in the most appropriate category.
Here some excellent examples of internet business directories:
AME Info (www.ameinfo.com) - A business directory listing almost 200, 000 Middle Eastern companies.
AT&T Directories (www.att.com/directory/index.html) - This site can help you find a persons and/ or business by name or phone number.
Big Book (www.bigbook.com) - A listing of businesses within the United States. You can search for a business using its name, location, or category.
BizEurope.com Resources (www.bizeurope.com/bsr/manu/resource.htm) - A listing of European companies involved in importing and exporting.
British Companies (www.britishcompanies.co.uk) - A listing of British consumer product companies.
British Services (www.britishservices.co.uk) – A listing of British service providers.
Business.com (www.business.com) - This site also doubles as a search engine. You can find products, services, companies and jobs here.
Corporate Affiliations (www.corporateaffiliations.com) - lists companies that have merged, changed names, or gone out of business.
Europages: European Business Directory (www.europages.com) - Europages lists the addresses of half a million companies from thirty European countries. The site can be viewed in six languages.
This listing is not meant to be a comprehensive one, but it should be sufficient to get you started. Remember that internet business directories can help you increase your market reach, so you should never overlook them!
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3:52 PM
Kids and Computers: Ideas for Kids to Make Money
One would seldom think of looking in the Los Angeles Times for ways that kids can make money. Since the mid 1990s the Times has tended to focus on ways that children can become better readers. It even has a special Reading by 9 page. In May of 2006, however, the Times did provide details about one of the newest ideas for kids to make money.
That article was about local boys who made a habit of chasing exotic cars. They used their cell phones to catch video of those exotic cars. When those boys got their first videos, then they discovered one of the newest ideas for kids to make money. They found that they could make money be selling their videos to various websites, sites where the viewers wanted to look at exotic cars.
More recently, after many months of selling those videos, these same boys have begun pursuing another of the ideas for kids to make money. They have started to design their own website. At this point it looks as though that new website will be called car-parazzi.com. The boys are going to post all of their video on that website. Then they can get some money from the ads they place on that website.
Of course these boys realize that ads on a website represent just one of many ideas for kids to make money online. They are well aware of the fact that great video might encourage other website marketers to put a link on the kids’ website. The kids would of course get money for such a link.
So these young boys could, continue to make money simply by filming all of the local Porches, Lamborghinis and Ferraris. Right now these boys know exactly where to go to find exotic cars. They know that they do not have to go far. There are many exotic cars on the streets of West Las Angeles.
These boys would probably have little trouble marketing their new website. These boys became famous overnight. CNN used one of their videos when reporting about the mystery surrounding a wrecked Ferrari. The boys had gotten pictures of the car and owner before the car accident.
CNN provided the boys with an even greater ability to make money online. Selling video to CNN is not one of the standard ideas for kids to make money. Yet now that this one group of boys has used CNN as a buyer, maybe other kids will try to do the same thing. Maybe another group of kids could create a website with a special type of video. They would, however, encounter a challenge. They would find it hard to create a name as clever as car-parazzi.com.
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3:47 PM
Thursday, September 20, 2007
How To Impress Potential Business Investors
In order to win over any potential investors for funding your business you have to impress them with your business acumen and not try to dazzle them with exaggerated information. In most instances for every goal you present their response is going to be asking how you are going to achieve that step. This will continue through every step of the process until they are satisfied that your business proposal is sound and that you can meet the goals established.
Most investors are savvy in the ways of business and can quickly see right through hyperbole and hopes. They may agree with you potential on the surface but they are gong to need reassurances that if they put their money into your business plan their investment won't be dashed along with your hopes. They will be looking for contingencies if the road map you present in the form of a business plan runs into a dead end street.
Establishing bullet points and datelines for each goal to be met will be a good starting point on your business plan, but will nothing to impress investors. They not only want to see what the goals are that have been established, they want to see how you plan to meet each goal. Any steps along the way will also have to be explained as well as contingency plans in the event that one of the steps is not made.
In addition to your business plan there are two other things investors want to see including your attitude and the product or service. Even with the best business plan if the product has a very limited customer potential base, and lacks the possibility for repeat business most investors will not look upon your plan favorably. A few investors may be in it for a short term profit spree others will be in a project for a long run hoping to realize as much profit as possible. It will up to you and your products potential to impress them with the long-range goals and profit potential to even get their attention.
Your attitude will also be a key to unlocking investment funds. If you walk into a meeting with potential investors with a negative attitude, chances are their response will match your attitude. Showing enthusiasm for the product or service will indicate to the investors that you believe in your product and are willing to stake your future on the future of the company you are trying to create.
Be prepared to discuss your person experience and expertise with the type of business you want to start as well as your personal stake in the process. You will have to document everything you tell them and by being prepared to answer any question they may ask about you, the product and company without having to promise to get back to them with an answer, will go a long way towards impressing your investors.
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6:58 AM
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
How The Government Can Help You Start Your Business
When starting your business you can use all the help you can get, and the federal government can be a great source for assistance. You may wonder in what ways can they help you get started. Here are three areas the government offers help in getting your new business off the ground.
You need money to start your business and the government can help you get the cash you need in two ways. First option offered would be a loan. The government has hundreds of millions of dollars in government funding set up for small business and entrepreneurs. There are loans created specifically for low-income businesses, handicapped individuals, military veterans and more. The second option for funds would be one of the fifteen hundred grants that are available through fifty-two government agencies. The grants are separated and grouped by state and business category. Such categories include but are not limited to agriculture, general business and real estate. You can also find grant money for research and development of your business. Many of these grants start at five thousand dollars and can end in the six figures. Best of all these do not have to be paid back. It's like receiving free money.
So you know that money can be found, but what about other assistance. The government has this covered also. They offer assistance for small business expansion, development and renovation. There are fifteen hundred government sources to provide the needed assistance for small businesses. A place to start looking for this information would be the SBA, or small business administration office. You can find this in your phone book, online or the help desk at your local library. Through the government you can receive counseling, training to improve skills to help manage and operate your business. There are some forms and guidelines that are to be completed. For some examples of these forms and more detailed information you can read source books on finding government as well as private foundations. These books can be found at your local library also.
Money and assistance are no longer a concern. Lastly the government offers advisory services to you. These services will assist you in improving your management skills and labor management relations. This is very important knowledge when beginning business.
There is so much the federal government can do to help you get your business up and running. It's just a matter of taking the time to find your local sources and get the process started. Be sure to take advantage of these offers. It's not everyday someone will hand you free money that will go to making yourself more money. So don't wait any longer, get the process started and you'll be well on your way to a flourishing, successful business.
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7:24 AM
How To Choose Proper Business Attire
Choosing proper business attire may seem simple, but as times and fashion change it can create some tough choices. When most of our grand mothers were in the business field clothing was modest. Longer skirts and suit jackets that covered up the feminine physique. A look that was bland and often uncomfortable. For most of our mother's business attire began to take a change. Skirts could be worn on or slightly above the knee. The option to wear slacks and blouses was becoming more popular. For the modern day woman we are faced with numerous choices for a business wardrobe. So how do we choose?
Often business will create a business dress code to assist attire conflict. This can sometimes make your choices narrower. Some companies allow stereotypical business dress such as, slacks, blouses, skirts and suit jackets. These always allow an employee to look well groomed, and professional. Other companies will allow any clothing item such jeans, t-shirts, Capri pants to denim dresses. This allows a more casual laid back appearance. If you are given this freedom of choice ask yourself some basic questions to assist you in choosing proper business attire.
What does my attire say about me? Do I look professional? Do I show that I have put an effort into my appearance? Your appearance says a lot about you as a person. It is one of the first things that another person will notice about you. You don't have to be a designer tag diva, or a modest maven. You simply need to take the time to choose clothing that reflects you in a positive light.
Another question would be, am I comfortable? Does your attire allow you to fulfill your daily job duties without interference? By the end of the day are your shoes causing you foot pain for a fashion statement? Can you bend down to pick up those fallen files, or would you reveal too much of your physique? Comfort can be very important in any job. If you are too focused on your discomfort from a clothing item, this can take away from your concentration on a job task. You choose fashion or focus.
Casual or Formal dress is another consideration. You can still look professional in a job environment if you choose casual business attire. Dark denim jeans, belted with a button up blouse can be very appealing. Still providing a clean and tidy appearance. If you wanted to be more formal Chino or Khaki pants with a blouse may suit your mood. The choice between these may be as simple as matching your dress to your job environment. If you are a banker, administrative assistant or have a job that a more formal appearance is suitable the choice becomes simple. Working in a call center, day care, or other similar environment may lead to a more casual dress choice.
By taking the time to ask yourself these questions you are prepared to make the proper choice for business attire. Appearance attitude, Comfort, Casual/Formal the choice is yours.
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7:19 AM
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
When to Quit a Business
It is undeniable that a lot of business stops their operations because the income from the business is no longer enough to sustain the expenses it incurs. In some cases though, you can also several businesses cease operations even when it generates enough income simply because the business owner had decided to get involved in another business. And in some even rarer cases, the business stops operations because there was an offer from the competitor to buy out the shares so that they will become the market leader. If you do encounter this situation, it is important conduct a cost-benefit evaluation about whether it the offer is financially viable.
There are still many other reasons why a business ceases to operate but in a franchise business, the reason for quitting is usually quite common. Some of the reasons that franchise owners cite is the high cost of the royalty fee they have to pay together with the cost of doing the actual business. In addition, there are the overhead expenses, the rental fees, the salary, and the miscellaneous expenses a franchise has to deal with. And while other businesses encounter the same problems, a franchise usually incurs more expenses because they have to buy the products they sell from a specific source; this limits their ability to take advantage of cheaper alternatives.
Another reason why a franchise business may cease is that the product or service they might be selling is already of trend. For example, there are cases when a particular kind of food suddenly becomes popular because of the uniqueness of its shape but there is the possibility that the customers may lose interest once the company stops creating new offerings.
However, despite the challenges you have to face in a franchise business, it is important to remember that the essential characteristic of a businessman is perseverance. You should take note that in some industries, you will have to sustain losses in the first few years of operations before you can enjoy profits. So you need to take this into consideration also before you decide to close your business. But if despite your best efforts, your business still continue on its downward trend, then you obviously have no choice but to cut your losses and hope you can get back your capital upon liquidation.
But the failure of one business should not discourage you from seeking out other business opportunities because this will hinder you from success. You should just count these failures as the price for experience so that you will know what to do the next time you encounter these problems. Because definitely, going into business is a worthwhile endeavor that will enable you to realize your potential while deriving profit at the same time.
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6:32 AM
Monday, September 17, 2007
Five Things Women Should Know Before Starting A Business
It is becoming more and more popular to start your own business and women are going into business just as much as men. There is much to know about starting a business, and here there are five important things women should know before starting their business.
First you are going to want to speak with some business professionals. Here is a list of persons you will want to speak with to get your business on the right foot. A good accountant can show you how to set up proper book keeping as well as record keeping for taxes. A lawyer who specializes in small business can legalize your business name and counsel you on how to protect yourself from possible business related lawsuits. A casualty or licensed property agent can help you to evaluate your insurance needs. They can better narrow down specific areas that you may need additional insurance coverage. Lastly you will want to speak to a business coach who can help you find start up money, as well as help in areas of bookkeeping and possible future business expansion. There are some places you can find more helpful information. Your local chamber of commerce is a great location to start. Also local women's business clubs can steer you in the right direction. Be sure to check you library for county business directories.
Second be sure to know exactly what type of business insurance you need. It's best to first check your homeowner's policy to look for possible personal business coverage. If this is included you can have your policy extended for this coverage. If your policy does not allow this you may find better luck speaking to an independent insurance agent.
Third piece of knowledge is to know ahead of time if you will go into business on your own or with a partner. You will want to decide on either a sole proprietorship or a partnership. If you go solo you are the owner and take on full responsibility for the business. If you choose to take on a co-owner be sure to discuss this with your attorney to discuss any preventive maintenance when it comes to your financial set up.
Fourth, be sure to have a solid idea of the cost of your business. Create a thorough business plan. This will allow you to know if you will need financial assistance such as a bank loan or if you will want to look for other outside investors. You can also search for government grants that are specifically created for women in business.
Fifth and final choose if your business will be run in home or out of home. This choice also includes insurance coverage and grant information.
All of the above go hand in hand to create a solid base for your business. Be sure to speak to business personnel, and do some research. Knowledge is power when it comes to creating your own business. Arm yourself with all the business knowledge you can. Take some business courses or seminars. Once you have a good understanding of how your business is to be set up and run you will be well on your way to a successful business.
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6:54 AM
Finding the Right Wholesaler
When you want to sell products in retail, the first thing you need to do is to find a reliable and trustworthy wholesaler. This is because there are a lot of wholesalers who do not deliver on their promise once you want to do some transactions with them. In fact, wholesalers are getting a bad reputation because of the few companies that cheat on their customers. And added to this is the fact that the inventory you will buy from these wholesalers may not necessarily sell in the market. So before you enter into the retail business, here are some tips you may find helpful.
The first thing you need to do is to conduct market research on your target market. You need to know if the product you wish to sell will actually be saleable to them or not. This is because while a particular product may sell well in one area doesn't necessarily mean it will also sell well in another area. So even before you search for a wholesaler, you must know if the product you intend to introduce to your target market is actually viable because it would be a waste of time if you spend too much time searching for a reliable wholesaler only to find out that the product you want to sell isn't going to be saleable in the actual marketplace.
The next thing you should consider is the product choice. Once you had determined which industry you want to enter, it is now time to know which product you need to stock up on. You should note that it is more viable to enter a niche market that will buy your particular product than enter the mass market at once.
Meanwhile, the third step is finding the right wholesaler. There are many sources and directories you can look up to find suppliers. But the advertisements and the websites you visit may not necessarily contain reliable suppliers that will really deliver the kind of product you requested. So it is recommended that you put up safety measures in place even before you pay for these products. You can find these wholesalers from online directories and even sourcing agents but always remember never to pay in advance unless trust between the two of you had been established.
It is also important to have patience in order to find the right wholesaler with the best price. However, you should not expect these wholesalers to provide unrealistically low prices. If there are establishments that offer prices that are too low then you need to conduct thorough research first before doing business with these kinds of establishments. Then the last step you need to remember is to have faith in yourself because having confidence is important for success to be possible.
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6:40 AM